3 resultados para Communicable diseases Mathematical models

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In this thesis we present a mathematical formulation of the interaction between microorganisms such as bacteria or amoebae and chemicals, often produced by the organisms themselves. This interaction is called chemotaxis and leads to cellular aggregation. We derive some models to describe chemotaxis. The first is the pioneristic Keller-Segel parabolic-parabolic model and it is derived by two different frameworks: a macroscopic perspective and a microscopic perspective, in which we start with a stochastic differential equation and we perform a mean-field approximation. This parabolic model may be generalized by the introduction of a degenerate diffusion parameter, which depends on the density itself via a power law. Then we derive a model for chemotaxis based on Cattaneo's law of heat propagation with finite speed, which is a hyperbolic model. The last model proposed here is a hydrodynamic model, which takes into account the inertia of the system by a friction force. In the limit of strong friction, the model reduces to the parabolic model, whereas in the limit of weak friction, we recover a hyperbolic model. Finally, we analyze the instability condition, which is the condition that leads to aggregation, and we describe the different kinds of aggregates we may obtain: the parabolic models lead to clusters or peaks whereas the hyperbolic models lead to the formation of network patterns or filaments. Moreover, we discuss the analogy between bacterial colonies and self gravitating systems by comparing the chemotactic collapse and the gravitational collapse (Jeans instability).


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Ventricular cells are immersed in a bath of electrolytes and these ions are essential for a healthy heart and a regular rhythm. Maintaining physiological concentration of them is fundamental for reducing arrhythmias and risk of sudden cardiac death, especially in haemodialysis patients and in the heart diseases treatments. Models of electrically activity of the heart based on mathematical formulation are a part of the efforts to improve the understanding and prediction of heart behaviour. Modern models incorporate the extensive and ever increasing amounts of experimental data in incorporating biophysically detailed mechanisms to allow the detailed study of molecular and subcellular mechanisms of heart disease. The goal of this project was to simulate the effects of changes in potassium and calcium concentrations in the extracellular space between experimental data and and a description incorpored into two modern biophysically detailed models (Grandi et al. Model; O’Hara Rudy Model). Moreover the task was to analyze the changes in the ventricular electrical activity, in particular by studying the modifications on the simulated electrocardiographic signal. We used the cellular information obtained by the heart models in order to build a 1D tissue description. The fibre is composed by 165 cells, it is divided in four groups to differentiate the cell types that compound human ventricular tissue. The main results are the following: Grandi et al. (GBP) model is not even able to reproduce the correct action potential profile in hyperkalemia. Data from hospitalized patients indicates that the action potential duration (APD) should be shorter than physiological state but in this model we have the opposite. From the potassium point of view the results obtained by using O’Hara model (ORD) are in agreement with experimental data for the single cell action potential in hypokalemia and hyperkalemia, most of the currents follow the data from literature. In the 1D simulations we were able to reproduce ECGs signal in most the potassium concentrations we selected for this study and we collected data that can help physician in understanding what happens in ventricular cells during electrolyte disorder. However the model fails in the conduction of the stimulus under hyperkalemic conditions. The model emphasized the ECG modifications when the K+ is slightly more than physiological value. In the calcium setting using the ORD model we found an APD shortening in hypocalcaemia and an APD lengthening in hypercalcaemia, i.e. the opposite to experimental observation. This wrong behaviour is kept in one dimensional simulations bringing a longer QT interval in the ECG under higher [Ca2+]o conditions and vice versa. In conclusion it has highlighted that the actual ventricular models present in literature, even if they are useful in the original form, they need an improvement in the sensitivity of these two important electrolytes. We suggest an use of the GBP model with modifications introduced by Carro et al. who understood that the failure of this model is related to the Shannon et al. model (a rabbit model) from which the GBP model was built. The ORD model should be modified in the Ca2+ - dependent IcaL and in the influence of the Iks in the action potential for letting it him produce a correct action potential under different calcium concentrations. In the 1D tissue maybe a heterogeneity setting of intra and extracellular conductances for the different cell types should improve a reproduction of the ECG signal.


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Nel presente lavoro, ho studiato e trovato le soluzioni esatte di un modello matematico applicato ai recettori cellulari della famiglia delle integrine. Nel modello le integrine sono considerate come un sistema a due livelli, attivo e non attivo. Quando le integrine si trovano nello stato inattivo possono diffondere nella membrana, mentre quando si trovano nello stato attivo risultano cristallizzate nella membrana, incapaci di diffondere. La variazione di concentrazione nella superficie cellulare di una sostanza chiamata attivatore dà luogo all’attivazione delle integrine. Inoltre, questi eterodimeri possono legare una molecola inibitrice con funzioni di controllo e regolazione, che chiameremo v, la quale, legandosi al recettore, fa aumentare la produzione della sostanza attizzatrice, che chiameremo u. In questo modo si innesca un meccanismo di retroazione positiva. L’inibitore v regola il meccanismo di produzione di u, ed assume, pertanto, il ruolo di modulatore. Infatti, grazie a questo sistema di fine regolazione il meccanismo di feedback positivo è in grado di autolimitarsi. Si costruisce poi un modello di equazioni differenziali partendo dalle semplici reazioni chimiche coinvolte. Una volta che il sistema di equazioni è impostato, si possono desumere le soluzioni per le concentrazioni dell’inibitore e dell’attivatore per un caso particolare dei parametri. Infine, si può eseguire un test per vedere cosa predice il modello in termini di integrine. Per farlo, ho utilizzato un’attivazione del tipo funzione gradino e l’ho inserita nel sistema, valutando la dinamica dei recettori. Si ottiene in questo modo un risultato in accordo con le previsioni: le integrine legate si trovano soprattutto ai limiti della zona attivata, mentre le integrine libere vengono a mancare nella zona attivata.